Sunday 14 October 2012

In a few days I will be flying over to Portugal to visit the Fatima pilgrimage. I am so excited and I can’t wait. There are so many interesting facts about the pilgrimage like the apparition on October 13 1917, which was the miracle of the sun. This is believed to be witnessed by 30,000 to 100,000 people. After the apparition the local people built a small chapel where the apparition occurred and put a statue of Mary in it. The Fatima is also a Roman Catholic Church. The reason why this Pilgrimage site is important to Christians is because Blessed Virgin Mary had appeared in apparitions to three shepherd children at Fatima on the 13th of each month from may to October. It is said that Blessed Virgin Mary had revealed 3 secrets to the children about the prophecies of the future. The 1st secret described the horrific vision of hell. The 2nd secret was how World War 1 was going to end and World War 2 was going to start. The 3rd secret hasn’t been fully revealed by the Vatican. From then on the title was given to Blessed Virgin Mary as Our lady of Fatima. There have been a few more apparitions at Fatima where many people are witness’s, mostly young children who said they saw a young lady.

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